Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I don't know if "baby" blog is appropriate any longer for Zach's blog as he is our big 3-year-old now but oh well.

Zach is now 3. Time flies by. For his birthday, he got money from Great Grandma Frost. He got to choose what he wanted to go with it, save or spend it, and he told us explicitly he wanted to "buy a toy at Toys R Us." So mom and Z went down there. After over 1.5 hours of browsing and looking he finally settled on a small fire truck. By settled I mean he kept asking if there was a larger fire truck but there was not so he settled on that one and is very, very pleased with it and has been playing with it daily with his red fire hat on.

From mom and dad, Z received a new yellow 2-wheeler bicycle. Well, okay, 4 wheels right now with his training wheels on, but he is proud and is quite good at riding it already. It has a little bell, and he has a yellow helmet he wears. He carefully hangs his helmet on the handlebars when he gets off, as he has seen dad and mom do with theirs.

From Aunt Pauline and Uncle Carl he received a Thomas the Tank Engine little water tower and train. He is very pleased and all trains have been washed daily. LOL. Grandma and Papa got him a zoo membership and some more Thomas trains to wash plus a rug for the floor with roads on it to drive his cars and trains on. He used that today. I got a photo but we'll see if I ever manage to get that uploaded for viewing here. Sharon and Ben Smith also gave him a train so he can make quite a long train with his cars now.

His interests remain Thomas the Tank Engine trains and videos, firetrucks and reading (read to actually). He also still loves to help, whether it is taking out the trash, gardening or whatever we are doing. He loves to put mail on the mailbox and get the delivered mail out.

He had his 3-year-old followup appointment with the doctor on Monday and is 33 pounds and 37 inches tall. He more than met all his developmental milestones (ahead of the game in most) and still actually loves going to the doctor. He got a sticker this time from the resident who saw him and another sticker at the end. Just one shot, hepatitis A 2nd vaccine. Eczema is still a large concern and he had an outbreak of Staph ongoing but we are not starting antibiotics quite yet as his system is struggling to fight it. Otherwise all is good. He had his vision checked for the 1st time and it is perfect.

His language is still the most remarkable thing. He speaks clearly and has an amazing vocabulary that grows by the day. He loves videos, recently an alphabet video from the library and Word Factory by Leapfrog. He also has been enjoying a Yoga Kids ABC video with a yoga posture for each alphabet letter. He loves to play outside with Joey and Michael and run around the yard. His energy is boundless, truly.

Yesterday we went to the free Tuesday at the Reuben H Fleet in the Kidzone and he had a great time despite the crowd. Mom isn't keen on such crowds but it didn't bother him at all; in fact, he thrives on loads of kids so had a great time. He loved the computer game he played there also, learning to use the mouse to drag and drop objects and actually spent 30+ very focused minutes playing that game. Today we continued with computer hand/eye practice and did some Sesame Street games from on mom's laptop. He did well again and loved them. Dad has him set up his own laptop but he doesn't have internet yet so we played on mom's today.

Dad is on travel and Zach misses him, often acting out or behaving badly but mom tries to keep it in perspective. He asks for dad's photo in the frames from mom's office and enjoys toting those around while dad is gone.

This morning when he awoke he came into mom's bed for a snuggle and actually asked first thing whether dad was going to "walk home" from his trip. We talked about the airplane again and how far it was.